E-Cigarettes and Adult Smoking: Evidence from Minnesota

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Published: 2019

Resource Notes:

Quote From Abstract: “Our results suggest that in the sample period about 32,400 additional adult smokers would have quit smoking in Minnesota in the absence of the tax. If this tax were imposed on a national level about 1.8 million smokers would be deterred from quitting in a ten year period. The taxation of e-cigarettes at the same rate as cigarettes could deter more than 2.75 million smokers nationally from quitting in the same period.”


None to date.

Publishing Source:

the National Bureau of Economic Research


Henry Saffer, Michael Grossman, Daniel Dench, Dhaval Dave


Saffer, Henry and Grossman, Michael and Dench, Daniel and Dave, Dhaval, E-Cigarettes and Adult Smoking: Evidence from Minnesota (December 12, 2019). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3503054 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3503054